Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holidays and New Years!

Nothing puts new years resolutions in focus like holiday noshing! Decadent food equals guilt run amok.
After all, that freshly baked cookie goes right to you know where......
Just the right nudge you need to get thinking about the coming year. I prefer to drill down to my resolutions by visualizing my goals. How do I want my life to look 6 months into the year, how do I want my life to look by the end of the year. This visualization includes my look, my health, my financial health, my family, my career etc in random order.

I visualized what my fitness level should look like a 4 months out, 6 months out and so on. Fitness also serves to achieve my goal look for the next year. This vision in my head is very exciting! I love the way I look. I love the clothes I will be wearing, the bags I will carry and generally how fabulous I will look!

Find me on Polyvore

I cannot wait to get to work! I have created polyvores of my looks and pinned them on my inspiration board.

My fitness goals are really simple.....workout six days a week; play a game and do whole lot more yoga. Simple and straightforward. Nothing really complicated.

And I am not waiting for 2010 to work on it! Life starts now!

Monday, December 7, 2009

I just have to say!

lolcats funny cat pictures">

Love Life!

Ok, I have been away for a looong while! But I am back! Truth be told, fitness was sidelined for a while as the mundane life got in the way. But now I am back on the bandwagon and roaring to go.

I am loving life right now! I have finally crystallized my vision of life! I have a map for my life and it feels really good! I have a "to do" list, for my life, my health, for my day even. A list of my dreams, wants and should haves. The list encompasses things I need to do for my health, my beauty, my style and spiritual nourishment. A list of books I need to read, a list of organizations that need my time and/or money and on and on. The list of people who need our help is enormous. I am getting right on with it.

I want to live a life of style and substance. Maybe I should write SUBSTANCE. That's right, "substance" is what I am about nowadays. Style without substance is an empty shell.

Right now, the mood is serene, calm! Cannot wait to get to my to do list, my vision for my life.